Sunday, March 31, 2019


The government seems to have a vested interest in keeping our society on legal drugs otherwise our G.S.T or P.A.Y.E tax burden would be so high the fermenting of revolution could outstrip the same process with alcohol. It is a hypocritical stance for any government to profit from drugs whilst at the same time attempting to reduce costs attributable to their use, but then those we elect are supposedly a reflection of ourselves.
I find it very hard to accept that the local Publican is the legal distributor of one drug whilst one of his patrons may be the illegal distributor of another. Both drugs cause anger, abuse, accidents, assault, robbery, misery, anguish, sadness, poverty and death yet there remains this gulf between legal and illegal.
I worry about the double standards of our community, that one accepts the drunk falling in the gutter as someone whose just had a little too much to drink and we might laugh at his mistake, but the guy falling into the gutter with a joint in his hand is someone who should be shunned, ostracised and imprisoned for having smoked old rope and we tut tut’ about our neighbours faults all the way home.
I can quite happily smoke and go to a Christmas Party and drink that’s OK but what would happen if anyone came to my office and found a needle hanging out of my arm? Am I still not the same Warwick? Now I’m not suggesting that the bosses suddenly get the idea of raiding my little corner of the world, I keep it too well guarded, but merely point out that we all, myself included, seem to find some drug use acceptable and others an abomination and need to watch ourselves as workers that we don’t get caught up in the same double standards when taking young people into our care.
What has this anarchical stance to do with the price of eggs? Who actually determines at what age we can do or not do certain things? Why do we keep engaged with such double standards?
It is quite legal for a girl to have sex at 16 but a boy has to wait until he’s 18. In this day and age, from what I know, the age at which this activity is taking place is going down even though the age of marriage seems to be accelerating in the other direction.
With adolescence comes experimentation with adulthood and while we might dread the thought that they are becoming young adults.
With information and support we should be allowing our young people to experiment and make mistakes provided that their emotional and chronological age is sufficient to absorb what is being learned by the experience.
While our society is crying out to allow children to be children the market economy is encouraging them to become adult as quickly as possible. That market economy includes the legal and illegal drug businesses.
Establishing trust with the people we work with, and children in our care whether genetically connected or not, is paramount to building relationships that can withstand the stress and strain of their daily lives. I am a supporter of experimentation. Perhaps this is why I have unbounded patience with children and adolescents yet the opposite when working with supposedly mature adults.
We should feel that we are doing our job well when young people can rely on us to be there when the shit hits the fan. It certainly places great stress upon us all at times but then we should not have signed up if we were not prepared to sacrifice some of our time.
It is sometimes my downfall when I allow young people to be free thinkers, that I imbue my clients with intelligence automatically, and certainly make some errors when I believe that what they are telling me is the truth. But in my line of work, where I am employed to give young people the right to decide for themselves what they need, a consequence of that is becoming merely a vassal or facilitator in achieving those goals.
To this day and into the foreseeable future I will continue to avoid determining a young persons ability to succeed based on some chronological measure or educational level and rely on the fact that by making mistakes we learn how not to make them again. From the time of ‘self-realisation’ children are experimenting and learning and I would like to be keep apace with that part of their experience.

Sunday, March 24, 2019


At the rate that medical science is advancing and keeping us healthier for longer it will not be too far-fetched to say that we may be able to live twice as long as we do now. In your opinion is this a good thing or should we just let nature take its course.

The advantages will be the possibility that we will spend, proportionately, less time in school and further education which means a lesser part of our life will be spent in indoctrination, learning ancient Greek and the complete meaninglessness of Algebra which I last used half a century ago.

The disadvantages will be that having learnt ancient Greek and not used Algebra that we didn’t have to in the first place. We talk to computers these days and they refuse to follow instructions in ancient Greek and if we have a mathematical problem even involving the most complicated maths imaginable we just do it on our computer in a more than hundredth of the time of doing it manually.
By then we will have driverless cars, with the exception of those born before 2019 who will still insist on having a steering wheel so they look like they are in still in charge. By then we will also have 60 years old hoons tearing up the tarmac by over-riding the autopilot and actually controlling the car.
By being twice as old and wrinkly and ornery there is much less of a chance of you being kidnapped, or worse being held hostage by either Terrorists or Centrelink you will be more likely to be released first.
Another distinct advantage will be that our children could possibly hang around twice as long, hanging off our wallets while gathering together the 10% deposit for their own new home and the average $250,000 won’t be that much by then anyway. Come to think of it if they do move out you’ll have grandchildren, great grandchildren, great-great grandchildren and possibly great-great-great-great grandchildren too. By this time if they all visit just once a year for your Birthday you will be able to enjoy at least 250 people in your lounge room. That might bring about function centres that just cater for relatively large relative parties.

So we will be able to spend twice the amount of time working, most of us will be able to work for at least 112 years and that will result in us having more superannuation for the possible 70 years we can live in comfortable retirement.
Depending on our level of skills our extended working life will see us earning more and thus able to buy houses with seven bedrooms and his and hers personal rooms, rather than the present five with three-car garages, indoor and outdoor spas. The house will still take up 95% of the block its on which means no mowing and gardening to worry about, so we can throw away the extended arm impliments that take away our need to bend over to smell the roses.
Our pills everyday will help us work, rest and play and we can forget that friggin’ apple our dentures won’t handle. With possibly 70 years up our sleeves, more if we retire early, to enjoy the advantages of old age, our health professionals will have more time to medicate us, we can speed around in our mobility scooters or hobble around on zimmer frames for twice as long, double our leisure time playing Bridge or Bowling or emptying our Colostomy Bags.The ultimate joy of course will come in the form of Alzheimers when we will be able to enjoy twice the amount of time forgetting who we are and pooping our pants. Forgetting where your genitals are may also have the advantage of not knowing where your hard-earned retirement funds are as well.
Oh! Grandpa what a big house you have. All the better to leave to you my son”
Oh! Grandma what a large amount of super you have. All the better to leave to you my pretty.”
Oh! I nearly forgot sex. Getting old means you spend less time deciding who is going to be on top tonight after your libido has retired so you can look forward to many more nights pretending to play with yourself because all you have left is the softwood. There will be the added bonus if you are still working that it will be much harder for sexual harassment charges to stick.
When the end finally does come you can go peacefully with the thought that you spent a lot more time contemplating Judgement Day and depending on your joints will probably feel better in the warmth of Hell anyway.

Sunday, March 17, 2019


Oh dear here comes another load of Left-wing Socialist diatribe. Think what you will dear reader for if you have an open mind, that is you are Australian, then read what this rubbish might be about.
In ancient days when some of us were thirty years younger we had within our community what we lovingly referred to as the ‘Pillars’ of our society. The learned and the wise, the just and the discreet, the diligent and trustworthy. They were Doctors and Lawyers, Police and Judges, Teachers and Bankers, Priests and Professors.
As a society we looked up to them. The rule of law prevailed, the Westminster System was incorruptible, the checks and balances were all in place. Bureaucrats served the people without fear or favour, Teachers did not shove political ideology down our childrens throats and let the community blame it on Muslims, Police allowed natural justice to takes its course although a few altered that course around 'a gift ' occasionally.
Judges were harsh but uncompromisingly fair, Doctors were welcome into our homes, School-teachers revered and trusted by both parent and pupil.
Our habit of sweeping things under the carpet or looking the other way enabled society to glide smoothly along. Of course there were lots of horrific things happening at the time, but things that were out of sight were out of mind and did not concern us our parents chatted with our neighbours outside church while inside little boys and girls were being given some practical instructions in sex from Reverend Whatsis.
Alas we now live in a society where very little is hidden. Not even our once revered politicians are safe from our prying eyes any more. Some of the once admired Teachers have been known to be shoving more than knowledge down pupils throats.
What goes on in jail at bed-time has been found to also go on behind the closed doors of other Institutions as well and we cannot exempt any Church from this either. The focus on Catholics is due to their determination to deny, cover up or hide behind outdated rules.
We have come to the realization that the ‘Elites’ are as vulnerable as ourselves. That Doctors have been known not only to have visited our bedside but managed to get into bed with the patient too, men and women alike.
Politicians, once the scions of our best families, revered for their lineage, are now morally and plausibly financially corrupted. They cater to the needs and desires of corporations and special interest groups with either the exaggerated moral clout of the church or financial might of the Stock Exchange. “The people? F…k the people.”
We have come to realize that those who hold themselves up as being beyond reproach are likely to also be those that commit the most heinous of crimes against humanity.
Those we stupidly call Public Servants, because they are certainly not at our command, have an interest in only climbing the ladder of promotion and power with a little encouragement by way of a salary increase, intent not on social service but on social control. There is a saying that everyone rises to the level of their own incompetence. In the bureaucracy they have managed to go at least three promotions beyond that, not just to total incompetence but into an absolute moral vacuum where self-interest is the only interest and generally the only rule.
Judges, those who pass sentence on wrong-doers, dressed in their robes and wigs like ancient drag queens have been known to have a lot more than their own two feet sticking out from under their gowns and not even the lawmakers can keep their trousers zippered up.
Elitism is out the door. Society has suddenly woken up from its Dreamtime. The Community can no longer trust those into whose hands we place ourselves. Alas this does not bode well for our future.
It is time we carefully examined the actions of all those who have even the slightest modicum of control over our lives and seek out their real agendas.
It is us or them Comrade

Friday, March 8, 2019


Some time ago I did the first columns about trying to encapsulate a Consultative Report some 140 pages long entitled ‘Voices of Children and Young People in Foster Care’ (July 2000).
It might seem that nearly two decades makes a lot of difference but you and I know that a coat of paint doesn’t always signify change, sometimes it just covers up the sperm splashes. At first glance it does not have anything to do with youth homeless services, but as an increasing number of kids in supported services and our prisons have graduated from the ‘Alternate Care System’. What we need to do is get hold of a copy of that report and review in the light of more recent problems of abuse to ensure that youth services do not continue to inflict the same abuses from family members now that they are in the care of complete strangers.
Continuing with the report and adding, in mitigation, that 99% of the District Officers I know would have no truck with some of the abuses discussed, I don’t believe that they can all be laid at feet of D.O’s in some simplistic negation of the facts. When child welfare departments are forced to truncate their range of services and reduce staff numbers because of some spurious economic necessity then in many ways they cannot be held responsible for some of the abuse that occurs within the system. The comment ‘I was only following orders’ can still be attributed to D.O’s but the fact is those orders were for economic reasons and not for any other.
The children themselves provide much of the evidence of dissatisfaction with children and young people in the way they are treated. Some of the briefer comments from different children in care.

D.O roles - what children and young people want;
It would be good to be treated like humans. They (DoCS) just do what they want you to’
She came six times and then she didn’t come, probably because she didn’t like us.’
She’s negative and thinks she knows best’.
Good, but you don’t really need them.’
If they find the right family they don’t have to do anything else. I don’t need advice. I have heaps of people giving me advice.’
DO? I don’t know how to do it though because I don’t see her and I don’t have her number.’
There are three outstanding Gems in the report provided by the young people themselves, each of them a telling reminder to us all.

Gem No.1 To the question ‘Do D.O’s make any difference’ one respondent came back with
No they’re just there to analyse us. As soon as you have a problem they send you off like an object to be fixed’.

Gem No.2. To the question ‘What is the worst thing about foster care?’ the reply was
Talking to Doe’s and answering questions’.

Gem No.3. To the question about how they felt about their District Officer. The best reply of the lot, and in all innocence:
But she is professional, she doesn’t listen.’
If this report were not so serious these little Gems would have had me howling with laughter. I managed however to suppress reactions until I had read to the end of the report.
I would hope that young people do not say, will be unable to say the same things about us. I would hang my head in shame if this were a report about PYSE. I would like every worker in the field who thinks beyond the pay packet and has a genuine care for young people in their care that they too develop some empathy by obtaining an old copy and ensuring a wide readership.
If something goes wrong can we use the excuse?
I had to consider my Duty of Care’.


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