old people planning to go somewhere else’
in conjunction with ‘Vegans ‘R’ Us’ a startling new ’crazy’
cigarette plan has been devised by the Medical Lobby to foist upon us
yet again another unworkable solution which the Department of
Stupidity is about to introduce into State P:arliament.
prior to 1965 this Department was responsible to ensure that anyone
who succesfully committed suicide could face up to 2 years
imprisonment, and as recently as 1900 was actually considered so
serious that you could face the Death Penalty. In the United States
you even had to be proven healthy before you could be put to death.
the creation of Solicitors and the Black Death whenever a law has
been invented to protect one person it has caused disadvantage to ten
others. As a result we have Law Books so convoluted and complicated
to sort the mess out that it can take teams of lawyers years just to
interpret them. For example the unravelling and interpretation of the
Dead Sea Scrolls was done in half the time it took to work out what
the Magna Carta really stood for.
are a perfect example of one disadvantaging another. Metal-studded,
dreadlocked Vegans who look like they’ve been dressed by austistic
Chimpanzees have been developing alternative fuels from Corn. The
result has been huge price increases and shortages in the supply of
corn and maize products. So that one ’environmentally conscious
wanker’ can run his car ten kilometres on creamed corn it has meant
the potential starvation of ten African children. Like the myth that
electric cars don’t pollute, the reality of alternative fuels
results in the poor getting poorer as the clawing of fossil fuels
from the ground with bare hands provides less and less income. Gina
Reinhardt even wants more bare hands to claw her ores from our soil
at the rate of ten Caraway seeds to the ton. (I’m not sure that
Rich Fat Sluts even know what a Caraway seed is?)
we were meant to be chiselling about cigarettes. One reason why the
tax rate for everyone has risen over the last two decades has been
because of the falling revenue from fags. When the government speaks
of widening the tax base what they really mean is that revenues from
Cigarette Taxes are falling away and they have to raise their salary
from somewhere So my argument is that by creating a law that reduces
the tax being paid by smokers around ten other Australians who don’t
smoke have to take up the slack. Even though the health system may be
over-burdened by cancer patients it is those same cancer patients who
funded the hospitals in the first place.
what about the promoters of democracy and freedom, the right to
choose and God’s gift of free willy. Democracy means government by
the people, not the non-smokers, by the electorate not the religious
fanatics, but by the good and the bad, the sane and the mad, the
smokers and drinkers and even the fornicators. We all want the right
to live and in the future also the right to die. So if we want to
live by smoking we should be allowed to die by cancer.
what about the bans. If we ban smoking we unleash another Al Capone.
If we can’t get smokes we will enrich the blackmarket and the
Mafia. The cigarette manufactures have al;eady said that they want
prohibiton of cigarettes brought on and admitted their profits would
double within the year. Prohibition in the United States brought on
organised crime with a vengeance, the United States involvement in
Vietnam brought on massive drug addiction with even greater
vengeance. Are we not all just latent adolescents waiting for someone
to say something is bad to unleash that desire in all of us to be
about tourism, the government wants it, but how many smokers will
visit when their smokes are confiscated at the airport. At least 75%
of Asians smoke and they are our tourist future, or will we like
Crown Casino, permit visitors to smoke but not our own citizens. A
Smoking Visa?
sport and drugs where there is money there is corruption. NSW has a
200 year history of being naughty
Bob Askin or Judge Murray Farquar or entrepreneur Alan Bond all got
caught with their fingers in the till.The cost of maintaining law,
already more than the cost of crime, will escalate even further and
the general taxpayer, you and I, will cop the entire bill for all
this stupidity.
cigarettes will lead to a bad case of cancer for the whole country.
Will all states agree, like gun laws, like railway lines, like
computerised ticket devices.
already have a cancer in our governments at all levels what about
banning them to save our own health? Our health experts seem to have
forgotten that smoking raw marijuana is seven times more
like to cause cancer?
will be illegal but soon marijuana will be legal you can’t smoke a
pipe but you can smoke a toke? Something tells me there is going to
be a surge in sales for tweezers and cigarette cases.
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