Saturday, October 29, 2016


What unbelievable claptrap. What truly dangerous thinking. The NRA in the United States recently uttered these totally offensive remarks after the death of 20 children. Thinking along those lines would suggest that to prevent kids being abused by nefarious paedophiles that we train our children to be kiddy-fiddlers.
As recipients of over $200 million from its 4 million members (who possess 79 million guns from 500 Round per Minute Machine Guns down to simple rapid fire Assault Rifles) and contributions from the gun industry it is truly a dangerous body once fronted by Moses who declared they would have to pry the rifle from his cold, dead hands rather than give up the right to shoot people. A kind of National 007. The NRA also suggested that high school students should be permitted to carry guns the result of which would mean parents prying the guns from their child's cold, dead hands.
They blame violent games and exposure to violence in movies as the reason why there is such a surge in the massacre of innocents. One solution they give is that people with mental issues should be prevented from getting hold of guns ignoring the fact that we don't know who is a mental case until they demonstrate it. Nobody even saw the mad bastards in their own military until they began the shoot-em-ups on their own men, and the number of mass shootings and bombing by ex-military personnel is astounding - no - astonishing.
There are dozens of countries with lax gun laws and just as many mad people but gun deaths in those countries are insignificant by comparison and there are just as many crazies in Australia yet we have less than 0.1% of the deaths compared to the United States. Our gun laws, dare I admit it, really became effective only through the determination of Honest John.
The partisan politics practiced by the unrestrained vagina's in the U.S Congress, where there is a refusal to compromise on anything, means that there remains the fact that more people suffer from gunshots wounds in Washington than in the whole of Afghanistan which is in the middle of a war.
In the State of California, due to the hard work of ‘The Terminator’ a no questions asked gun buyback has resulted in thousands of illegal weapons coming in off the street and, what is great about this is there are now 30% less gun related incidents in five years. Is this not proof enough?
As an organisation the NRA seems to be totally out of touch with a growing number of Americans. With a population of over 300 million how is it that 4 Million are dictating the laws. I suppose it is very similar to the 39 faceless lesbian vegans that dictate our laws.
As Americans declare they are God's chosen race we think that maybe they are following Her words too literally.
An eye for an eye. A gun for a gun”.

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