Friday, January 8, 2016


It’s a long time ago now tt I first walked into the Railway Hotel and into a discussion about the ending of Swan Lake between male patrons breasting the bar and how she died. It set my mind back a little that the denizons of Linton should even think of raising the subject in such a macho environment. But there it was ‘the swans leap to her death’ in the recent TV production. Rarely does hotel discussion go beyond footy, cricket and bushfires but in recent times I’ve heard mention the credibility or impossibility of global warming, whether shearing and artisitic pursuits are compatible occupations (the thought of a sheep shorn to look like a poodle makes the mind boggle), the ways people carry a take-away coffee, how alcohol is not the most evil health risk, speed limits on roads and whether cars should be banned and we all return to the horse for environmental reasons. But there are rarely esoteric subjects in the mix like why is there selfishness, why are people scared to smile and laugh and why has honesty in business become as scarce as hens teeth?
There is a hotel in Ballarat that promotes ‘Politics In The Pub’ where sensibly sane drinkers can openly discuss each others personal views without having to listen to the ranting of right-wing, homophobic, xenophobic fascists and unable to get a word in edgeways from the resident bullshit artist. Why is it that politics and religion are not suitable subjects for the hotel environment? Without bullying objections it would be nice to be able to hold a sane discussion on these matters, after all religion is all but extinct and we all seem to agree that politicians suck.
It is important that the world, Australia and Linton all progress and that can only be done by someone throwing a subject into the centre of the bar and everyone enjoy the excitement of theoretically bashing each other up. There is nothing wrong with not progressing. Begone all ye un-necessary electronic toys. However but nobody should want to return to the fabled good old days either when men were men, children were kept quiet and women were bashed.

Open your mind, clear out the dust, you never know what you’ll find in there.

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