Thursday, April 10, 2014


For those who watch South Park you will remember the episode where they had to make sure everyone in the Frontier Theme Town ‘stayed in character’ regardless of the consequences. For those who don’t watch it because it’s a bit too ‘risqué’ you will be wandering what the hell I’m talking about. The theme of the show was that South Park Schoolchildren visit their local version of ‘Sovereign Hill’. While they are their they are held hostages by Terrorists and the the F.B.I and C.I.A are caled in to rescue them. Even with adults and children being slaughtered all around them by incompetant federal agents the staff and volunteers of the theme park stay in perfectly character and even ask about things not invented in 1860 - like telephones and wristwatches.
There should be some way that we can celebrate our Gold Mining Heritage and the unsung, extraordinary hard work of the Chinese in this areas history. So much is owed to these ‘diggers’ and ‘shop-keepers’ that we should respectfully demonstrate our willingness to recognise their work.
A day should be set aside once each year where all of the townsfolk of Linton, taking a leaf out of the Railway Social Club Dress-up Book, should deck ourselves out as any of the peoples of Asia but especially the Chinese and spend the day going about town in this attire. The important thing for the day would be for everyone to stay in character, and with all seriousness, refuse to understand any English being spoken by people passing through and Tourists. A shrug of the shouldesr would be a common answer to most questions by strangers.
Very little effort is required and not a lot of planning but like Red Nose Day and Blue Jeans Day and come in Mufti to work day, it has the psychological effect of putting ourselves in their shoes for just a little while and getting a little enjoyment from the experience.
Imagine when they got home all the travellers would be talking about this little townthey stopped at just outside Ballarat where they were astonished to find nobody spoke any English?
What a great learning experience too for the children from Linton Primary to participate.
更下个的月 Butch

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