The Astonisher attended the official opening and delayed breakfast of the Linton Replica Railway Station and Rural Pursuits Centre adjacent to the Linton Sporting Complex and the Bridge Over Non-existent Waters.
All three levels of government were present, those with lawyer black suits (one with sunglasses probably from A.S.I.O) along with a scraping from the Community Co-ordinators Group and a disparate cluster of delegates from the Historical Society. The event was of such major importance that even a representative of the towns Tradesmen was in attendance.
Much was said about this magnificent ‘Bike Station’ and the fact that it was decided to locate the Linton Replica in Linton. Mention was made of the half million spent on the project, which we hope was for all three projects in Linton, Rokewood and Teesdale as it seemed a bit excessive to this observer for just this complex alone. There is also some question as to the origin of the $10,000 contribution from the community considering that there are no groups in the community that could afford to be that generous. One might hazard a guess that maybe it was left-over ‘encouragement money’ from local political or corporate interests.
We noted that there was a comment from one of the speakers about how lovely it was to have so many of the towns children attending the event, and (despite it being School Holidays) suggested that they probably should have been at school.
Despite this rag giving the impression that the Precinct Project as a whole would be a ‘white ellingfant’ we must unequivocally retract any such suggestions to make a positive comment that since completion it has attracted a good spattering of tourists to our ‘One Stop With Shop’ at one of the towns entrances and we would also like to congratulate the Progress Association for not standing in the way of Progress.
The headline was generated by the reporter who was reminded of the film Ben Hur when some undersized stunt riders from Linton hurtled themselves around the dirt track to the applause of an appreciative audience. The skateboard display was marred a little by the fact that O.H & S has banned the use of skateboards in Shopping Centres and on Council property and some of the children had to be satisfied with running up and down the skateboard ramp just wearing their safety helmets. Despite several calls the Lady Mayor was not inclined to give the thumbs down to any of the participants in the ’Linton Arena Spectacular’.
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