Many ant species can be found creeping and crawling around like Viet Cong revolutionaries and generally making a nuisance of themselves wherever you go. Inside the house they quickly find those lollies you left next to the lounge. Outdoors they can smell a Hamburger and Chips an awfully long way away. Ants, although a necessary part of natures environment, can sometimes even be as annoying as younger brothers and sisters.
A nice way to make them go somewhere else is to use natural repellants like Bay, Camphor, Chilli, Citronella or Eucalyptus. These don’t do much harm to little humans either.
Outdoors you can stop them crawling up the legs of tables to join you for lunch by simply placing each leg of the table in some water in jar lids, saucers or cut down old food tins. It is well known that ants do not like getting wet and will do anything to avoid a bath.
If you’re at the Footy and you don’t like them crawling up your legs another great idea is to wear a pair of rubber boots and fill them with water. They will hate you and leave you alone.
Ants beware.
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