Saturday, April 20, 2013


I was once very worried that the deposed Great Leaders of the Linton Ewes were going to send secret agents around to the Astonishing office and liquidate me. But I feel a lot more relaxed now that senility has prevailed and there has been a slight declination of tension in parts of the village. One wonders still about the future of the new Café located in the old Grocer Shop. It has had a difficult time getting up and running following the interference of Golden Pains Council doing their level best to stifle any economic improvements to the town.
This leaves me very little to bitch about recently and as a result have had to return to the reporting on more fanciful diatribe. What prompted this was the sudden passing into the sky-paddock of Max after the severe hailstorms of recent weeks and the need to pass onto you, dear reader, more of the stories about her adventures in this eulogy to a great lady.
The passing of Kim Jung Il and the succession of his psychotic son Kim Jung Un of North Korea was but nothing to the fantastical goings on at Godfrey Zone after the death of Lady Maxine. It was like the War of the Roses in miniature as the flock maneuvered themselves into the new pecking order and the maintenance of their own position in the line to the throne. 
It didn’t quite reach the point of flinging dung at each other but there was a lot of crazy blustering.
Our Hatch, Match and Dispatch Editor Dr. Ron Go will be giving us excerpts from the up and coming biography
‘I Was Lady Maxine’s Love Child’.
Exclusive to The Astonisher

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