Wednesday, March 6, 2013


(A contribution from a Labor Supporter)
The present bunch of political power-brokers that are running the country have lost not only direction but their bloody minds as well.
The new Carbon Tax, which unlike some pundits are claiming, will not bring the country to it’s knees. What it will do however, is create another layer of Ferrari and Lamborghini drivers to our streets, driven by nouveaux riche pricks that have managed to con us out of our money yet again.
It’s all the wrong way around. They introduce a Carbon Tax to encourage us to reduce our carbon footprint on the world and use that to reduce carbon in some other countries backyard. Yet suddenly and with no real reason take away subsidies for ordinary citizens to install solar power and water and reduce individual carbon emissions in our own backyard.
Instead, with the billions they will be making from this tax they could be offering free installation of solar equipment (you buy the unit) and reduce our electricity consumption, free public transport to all workers to get cars off the road and reduce car exhausts, and release the billions in gas reserves at the same price as they sell to China and bring the down the price of fuel for all gas appliances.
If we pay a Carbon Tax it should not be to enrich someone else nor to advantage some foreign country to buy their friendship or votes in some international competition. The Carbon Tax should be for the benefit of all Australian citizens not just for the finance companies, politicians and banks.
So say all of me.

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