No - surprise, surprise this is not another story about the Progress Association you can read that one on the next page. This is a story that if it were any more silly might make for another series of ’Yes, Minister’.
All governments (Local, State and Federal) have a small room at the end of a long corridor where all the public servants who cannot survive in a civil society are sent to ruminate over problems and come up with solutions. It does not matter that we don’t have these problems. We could conceivably have these problems. So ’The Department of Stupidity’ has been created to come up with even more stupid ideas for the likes of Rob Oakshott, Nick Xenophobe and Andrew Wilkie. Hey! They’re all Independents isn’t that odd. Just when I thought they would be a good thing for our governments.
Well it’s a start. Police were called in to investigate a man who stole a broken washing machine from a pile waiting to be collected on Hard Rubbish Collection Day. It seems that the moment you put shit on the footpath it belongs to somebody else. I have not heard the outcome of that but now I know that when Peppie next shits on the footpath I won’t have to worry about it because it’ll now belongs to somebody else.
Andrew Wilkie started out a pretty good guy. He stuffed up his perky little government job by going public about the lies being told by the Bush Triumvirate of Neoconservative Nasties in the United States of Paranoia.(U.S.P).
The guy had a conscience. Now apparently he has gone unconscience with the idea, reluctantly supported by some redhead just to stay in power, that before you play the Poker Machines you make a promise to limit how much you gamble.
OK…. let’s see. How much have I got on my credit cards.
Oh! ...Look $14,000. Alright. I’ll pre-commit to gambling no more than 14 grand.
Or maybe the idea that ATM’S near Poker Machines will not allow you to withdraw more than $250.00. Alright that paid for the meals for me and my guests now where do I get the money top play a Pokie or two. I’ll withdraw that on my way at an ATM that will dispense up to a $1,000 or more. No problem.
Go on line and gamble overseas—let them get the tax revenue.
Will the T.A.B be next? I wish the moral minority would just stay glued to their pews.
With our ‘Great Leader’ being an atheist and living in sin why is she so intent on pandering to the conservative religious lobby.
In an April edition of ‘TIME’ in a section entitled World Briefing
I have no issues with people of ’Faith’ not even though they are still stuck back in the Stone Ages as they are in the Middle-East (which Dept.of Stupidity came up with the concept of having a middle-east on a sphere?)
It is when they force themselves upon my obsessive-compulsive misordered person such as ‘you’re taking the Lords name in vain again’ that riles me up. The absolute belief in the intangible idea that homosexuality is the work of the devil and can be cured by people who blabber away in ‘tongues’ or where Christians gather at the funeral of a U.S Marine killed in Iraq and ‘Praise the Lord for killing him because he was a poof’ and then have the absolute hide to call Muslims barbaric?
I am not ashamed to say that I am a Republican first and foremost. The idea that I should pledge allegiance to someone who has to be British, has to be a Christian, and an Anglican at that and has to be a Male born in wedlock to someone God said had Royal blood. (a female only reigns when her Daddy didn’t help give birth to something with a penis.)
So for the moment the Republican issue lays dormant awaiting Malcolm Turnbull to ascend to the throne. Only he and not a Bloodnut or a Papist will see us move out of our Dark Ages into a true Australian Democracy.
Since these stories were first published there have been some minor changes:-
The Prime Minister has renegged on her promise to curb problem gambling. Faced not only by a revolution from the public and the pubs/clubs she had to explain to the States why they should lose millions in tax revenue.
Given that the States are addicted to gambling, like unrestrained Coke Addicts they don't want to give up a good thing.
Besides who would provide them with $3,000 a night Hotel Suites if the Casino's stopped donations to the party?
In America - Gods Country (after all didn't Jesus ascend into Arkansas from the Cross) more and more U.S States are sanctioning Gay Partnerships and Marriage. Seeing that our governments head is so far up America's backside we believe it won't be too long before our politicians have a 'revelation' that not only is greed good but buggery as well.
Considering the U.S President speaks for us on the world stage, that the U.S keeps dragging us into unwinnable wars and expects us to spend billions on military hardware we will never use I wonder why we bother to hang, draw and quarter old KRudd and worry about having a spy service or a foreign affairs department.
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