the rate that medical science is advancing and keeping us healthier
for longer it will not be too far-fetched to say that we may be able
to live twice as long as we do now. In your opinion is this a good
thing or should we just let nature take its course.
advantages will be the possibility that we will spend,
proportionately, less time in school and further education which
means a lesser part of our life will be spent in indoctrination,
learning ancient Greek and the complete meaninglessness of Algebra
which I last used half a century ago.
disadvantages will be that having learnt ancient Greek and not used
Algebra that we didn’t have to in the first place. We talk to
computers these days and they refuse to follow instructions in
ancient Greek and if we have a mathematical problem even involving
the most complicated maths imaginable we just do it on our computer
in a more than hundredth of the time of doing it manually.
then we will have driverless cars, with the exception of those born
before 2019 who will still insist on having a steering wheel so they
look like they are in still in charge. By then we will also have 60 years
old hoons tearing up the tarmac by over-riding the autopilot and
actually controlling the car.
being twice as old and wrinkly and ornery there is much less of a
chance of you being kidnapped, or worse being held hostage by either
Terrorists or Centrelink you will be more likely to be released
distinct advantage will be that our children could possibly hang
around twice as long, hanging off our wallets while gathering
together the 10% deposit for their own new home and the average
$250,000 won’t be that much by then anyway. Come to think of it if
they do move out you’ll have grandchildren, great grandchildren,
great-great grandchildren and possibly great-great-great-great
grandchildren too. By this time if they all visit just once a year
for your Birthday you will be able to enjoy at least 250 people in
your lounge room. That might bring about function centres that just
cater for relatively large relative parties.
we will be able to spend twice the amount of time working, most of us
will be able to work for at least 112 years and that will result in
us having more superannuation for the possible 70 years we can live
in comfortable retirement.
on our level of skills our extended working life will see us earning
more and thus able to buy houses with seven bedrooms and his and hers
personal rooms, rather than the present five with three-car garages,
indoor and outdoor
spas. The house will still take up 95% of the block its on which means no
mowing and gardening to worry about, so we can throw away the
extended arm impliments that take away our need to bend over to smell
the roses.
pills everyday will help us work, rest and play and we can forget
that friggin’ apple our dentures won’t handle. With possibly 70
years up our sleeves, more if we retire early, to enjoy the
advantages of old age, our health professionals will have more time
to medicate us, we can speed around in our mobility scooters or
hobble around on zimmer frames for twice as long, double our leisure
time playing Bridge or Bowling or emptying our Colostomy Bags.The ultimate joy of course will come in
the form of Alzheimers when we will be able to enjoy twice the amount
of time forgetting who we are and pooping our pants. Forgetting where
your genitals are may also have the advantage of not knowing where
your hard-earned retirement funds are as well.
Grandpa what a big house you have. All the better to leave to you my
Grandma what a large amount of super you have. All the better to
leave to you my pretty.”
I nearly forgot sex. Getting old means you spend less time deciding
who is going to be on top tonight after your libido has retired so
you can look forward to many more nights pretending to play with
yourself because all you have left is the softwood. There will be the
added bonus if you are still working that it will be much harder for
sexual harassment charges to stick.
the end finally does come you can go peacefully with the thought that you spent a lot more time
contemplating Judgement Day and depending on your joints will
probably feel better in the warmth of Hell anyway.
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