Saturday, March 24, 2018
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Society is constantly in a state of confusion over what is best for its future. From the earliest begining the law has been based initially on the Ten Commandments, and not withstanding the 18 million different interpretations of those laws are still essentially the basis of a functional community.
Part of that function has been to hurt those who are naughty and punish those who cannot afford to break the laws.
But where after 40,000 years has it got us. Even the most severe punishments, the taking of a life by the State, has never deterred miscreants from breaking the law.
Data will show in general that for every $20 Billion a year lost by society through the committal of various crimes it costs society $80 Billion a year in control, detection, justice and punishment. One might ask the question is it worth paying out $4 to save $1? Statistics says it doesn’t but our community has to be protected and there must be a better way.
Switzerland has four more times the guns per person than in the United States yet less than 1% of crime is committed with such a a weapon in that country. It does not compute, so there must be another explanation.
In the Northern European countries the prison system would appear to us to be a joke, group homes, minimal security and only those who are the most violent are locked up. Crimes where there are no victims are generally punished in what Australian would describe as an unpaid holiday. Yet the recidivism rate is only a quarter of what it is in this country.
Where are they going right or where are we going wrong?
Data in the United States would suggest that with their imprisonment rate increasing by around 15% every year that by the end of the next century every American man, woman and child will be locked up in prison. Maybe that’s good - crime will cease to exist except within the controlled environment of a penitentiary. And think of the court costs that will save.
The cave man tore peoples tongues out, the Pharaohs crushed criminals under heavy rocks but people were still naughty. The Romans threw them to the lions, Kings and Queens used hanging as a punishment and then added drawing and quartering to the mix finally sticking their head on a pike and propping it up on the nearest bridge as a final flourish but the prison hulks kept filling up. Vlad tuned people into kebabs, while boiling in oil was popular in the Otterrman Empire. After the reign of Henry VIII the axe became less popular and hanging people in a cage from a gibbet by the roadside until their bones fell through the bars was thought to be a more modern day deterrent. Dogs and pigs were well fed but crime went on un-abated.
The British in the 1770’s even despatched criminals across the seas, exhiled them to the hell of the antipodies hoping to never see or hear of them again so what happened to that experiment? It evolved into people smuggling.
Exiling people and sending them off to Gulags didn’t get Russia anywhere. Their criminals became the ruling class. Concentration camps either in Poland or in the Pacific has not deterred anyone from continuing anti-social activities, Asylum Seekers made out to be those most heinous of criminals can’t even be stopped from tramping all over the garden beds of Europe and we can’t even stop them from tramping all over Christmas Island.
Why are we not looking at what ideas are working and ignore the Queen of Hearts screaming “Off with their heads”. We must devise ways not to violently fuck up other peoples countries so they all want to rush over here in a peaceful invasion. We’ve got to spend those $1’s on young people through proper education and training, support and encouragement to save the $4 they’ll cost us when they get older.
We’ve got to stop subsidizing the rich and close the tax loopholes so that every citizen pays their fair share towards the combating of crime through the human improvement to our community. Make make everyone pay their fair share so that some bastard doesn’t decide to take it from us illegally.
Make the punishment fit the crime for rich, poor, elite and even ruling classes alike but make it a punishment that works.
Monday, March 5, 2018
doubts have been cast over whether Barnaby Joyce has actually
conceived anything at all during his 15 years in Parliament.
speculation intensified in Canberra this morning, Mr Joyce said he
had no choice but to confront the rumours, after weeks of conjecture.
“The truth is, it’s possible I haven’t conceived of a single
useful idea since 2013. If you look at the dates, you’ll see what I
of the former Deputy PM said they were yet to see any evidence of a
fresh idea. One went as far to speculate that Mr Joyce’s
entire parliamentary career may not even be his. “It’s a grey
area,” the colleague said.
speculation intensified in Canberra, some sources suggested the true
owner of Mr Joyce’s career his been an open secret for years.
pretty obvious that Barnaby has had nothing to do with this,” one
source said. “The career belongs to Gina Rinehart. She conceived
it; and she’s the one who’s supported it through it’s whole
Joyce said he would consider the career his, even if it turned out it
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