Saturday, January 21, 2017


That's a bit of a derivation of an old saying to introduce this story on the dangers of BUSHFIRE. It's that season again folks. Some reckon this season will be bad and it’s shaping up that way, but they’re a long way from Linton.
'We haven't had a bushfire round here for nigh on 9 years'.
Some will act a little unreasonably;
'There's a fire in Wadonga do you think we should evacuate Happy Valley?'
But everyone will react and they will react differently. That's why the CFA has not recommended any ONE particular course of action. We are responsible for our own safety and equipped with the right information we are able to make our own rational decisions about what to do in the event of fire.
We find information nights put on by local authorities are notoriously under-attended. It seems the 'I'm alright Jack' syndrome is alive and well in Woady Yaloak. Less than 1 percent of the population bothers to find out what they should do in the event of fire, yet 99 percent will whinge and complain when it affects them. Why didn't the government do this, why didn't the council do that, and why weren't we told.
If I hear one more local resident whine on about things that someone else should have done I will wring their bloody necks. What happened to the concept of personal responsibility? What happened to the idea of going to the authorities and making a comment, suggestion or complaint rather than sit back and weep after the event?
If you see the doors of the CFA open then take the opportunity to ask questions, better still ask them how you might be able to help in the event of a major bushfire.
For the lazy buggers here is some information for you. Free. You don't even have to get off your backside.
There are three primary things you must have in mind. Preparing your property and your house according to Fire Authority recommendations and a couple of action plans. I have one primary plan called 'Window Shopping' which entails me heading off into Ballarat for the day and a secondary plan called 'Go For A Swim In The Dam'. I also have my own 1030 plan. 10 Minutes to cover 30 Kilometres,
When I put on my Marketing Guru Hat I come up with another 'bright spark' idea for a
People love nothing better than a bargain or a party. Your entire town could have a plan when a bushfire might just upset your day. It might just be a good idea if the whole town got together in one safe spot, clear of the danger, which will give the CFA a clearer run around the fire area unhampered by meandering humans.
Bring the dog, bring the cat, the horse, the goat, for heavens sake you could even bring the children.
No need to lay in food for the duration ready-meals and take-away food would be readily available, those who were thirsty could drink, local charities could set up Clothing Stalls in case you arrived clad only in a negligee.
Our small businesses could offer specials for the day. Torches, Fire-blankets, Extinguishers, BBQ supplies, Marshmallows, Petrol and Matches.
The only thing you need to take from home would be your valuables, irreplaceable family stuff and your wallet. Which brings to mind the fact that the local Constabulary would need to boost it's numbers for a few of them to patrol the outskirts of town for stragglers, sightseers, strangers and stealers.
How long since you just wandered around town and chatted with people? A Fire Sale Day would be your ideal opportunity.
And that brings me back to where I started. You can run from a fire but it is almost impossible to hide from it. So come out from behind your lace curtains, leave the animals free to escape from the fire if need be ( they're not as stupid as us.) Encourage your neighbour to come with you, bring your iPod, bring your Iphone and bring your iBackside.

meu aunty e a cumquot BUTCH

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