Saturday, January 28, 2017


According to my television set, and the little people inside it called documentary makers, the information I get from it is unerringly accurate down to the last detail as it is not in the interest of the professional film-maker to lie, maybe with the exception of Leni Reifenstahl, and maybe some gifted editors as well, just for balance you understand.
There have been several documentaries lately pointing out the vast array of electronic surveillance gadgets available to American spies. Put a word into a special computer in Langley, Virginia and without fail it will pick that word out from all the radio and TV broadcasts, emails and telephone calls in the United States and in countries it wants to keep an eye on (i.e planet earth). It can monitor social pages, twitter and internet messaging. There is not one corner of the electronic world it can’t stick its nose into. Or so they tell us.
I’m wondering if this is really true. If it were true then criminals would be unable to operate, drug traffickers would fail every smuggling attempt, there would be no illegals crossing the Mexican Border or drowning in leaky boats from Indonesia and they would be able to track down every ‘troll, stalker and cyber bully’ with great ease. The internet, telephony and not even morse code would be safe from American scrutiny.
The reality is that more innocent civilians locate thieves, drug dealers, illegals, terrorists and other naughty people than the almost 1 million security personelle on the United States payroll. True. There are more Muslims dobbing in Islamic Radicals than Christians. You are more likely to foil a plot to grow marijuana in Linton than all the sophisticated equipment available to our local police and that extends out to the rest of the world as well. But marijuana still gets grown, so where has it all gone wrong, why are we paying people not to find things?
When it comes to looking after our community we can do more for ourselves than the professionals. We don’t need to create a law to make people behave, we only need people to be aware of what is going on around them and, yes, sometimes diplomatically stick our nose in where it doesn’t belong.
But the real problem these days is ‘cyber-creepies’’ the bullies and not terrorists. It’s ‘hackers’ and irresponsible twits who ‘twitter’ not Muslims. Most terrorists have some ill-guided intention to actually do good things for their community. A crazy community to be sure but still a community. Most of them are totally illiterate and cannot fight with the pen so they fight with the gun, most of them brainwashed from childhood to believe Mullah’s and Imams were pure, honest and sincere just as we were taught that our religious representatives were honest, sincere and pure, Hey Cardinal Pell, get the hint?
Nothing compares to ‘cyber-bullies’ these anonymous creeps, the most disgusting low-life on the planet. But the internet can be controlled, despite the fact that you don’t have to be 18 to click on ‘I am over 18’. We do not need anyone to censor what we can access on the internet. It is up parents to monitor their children. They might see what’s going on with the laptop at home, but how do they know what their children are looking up on their tablets and smart phones on the way to or even when they are at school? Censorship has become a thing of the past, we no longer need old people watching every foot of image to tell us whether we should see it or not. We can download it at our leisure without any censorship these days.
The other day I wanted to create a cartoon with a fat guy in it, with few or no clothes on, so in Google images I searched for ‘Naked Fat Men’. Jesus Christ, there they all were fat men playing with their dicks, big ones, small ones some as big as your head. Some of them were even putting the left one in and shaking it all about.
Internet Service Providers here and overseas should be held liable if they permit, under any circumstances, there service being used for cyber-abuse or any other crime. They should have enough identity on record to be able to assist in the prosecution of offences. It would not be impeding free speech on the internet, although some forms of censorship should be imposed on some sites intended to create havoc and not peaceful pursuits. There are ways we can defend ourselves against cyber-bullies and other cyber-crimes.
‘Trolls’ those who deliberately set out to abuse others on the net can be stopped through correct registration of their account/s. Google, Yahoo and all the other major companies have so much information on us that could be used to stop these people in their tracks. It would be wrong to hand all this information over to just anybody which they sometimes do with law enforcement authorities but the handing over of any information should be through the instrument of a court order and not just to kow-tow to bullying governments.
As was said previously we have ways and means to solve our own problems and to not rely on incompetent protective services. ‘Bullies’ need a response so don’t give them one. Ignoring them is the more successful strategy. You can block some sites to these offenders anyway. There are programs to block all manner of unwanted material if they are used correctly.
Of course you could take the other tack and call their bluff. Decide to meet them but don’t tell them it will be in the presence of your parents or a Policeman. Most likely these gutless slugs, to use a nicer term than I was thinking of, will most likely not show themselves but crawl back under the rock that they slithered from.
I would suggest that a law be introduced that would make bully’s liable if it can be proved that their actions led directly to the death of another person. Manslaughter at the very least. It is easy to take a ‘screen grab’ to the Police so that they have evidence to start proceedings against cyber-bullies.
In summary the person who pays the Internet Account should be held responsible for how that account is used, regardless of whether they are aware of the abuse or not. Financial penalties are usually the best deterrent.

Saturday, January 21, 2017


That's a bit of a derivation of an old saying to introduce this story on the dangers of BUSHFIRE. It's that season again folks. Some reckon this season will be bad and it’s shaping up that way, but they’re a long way from Linton.
'We haven't had a bushfire round here for nigh on 9 years'.
Some will act a little unreasonably;
'There's a fire in Wadonga do you think we should evacuate Happy Valley?'
But everyone will react and they will react differently. That's why the CFA has not recommended any ONE particular course of action. We are responsible for our own safety and equipped with the right information we are able to make our own rational decisions about what to do in the event of fire.
We find information nights put on by local authorities are notoriously under-attended. It seems the 'I'm alright Jack' syndrome is alive and well in Woady Yaloak. Less than 1 percent of the population bothers to find out what they should do in the event of fire, yet 99 percent will whinge and complain when it affects them. Why didn't the government do this, why didn't the council do that, and why weren't we told.
If I hear one more local resident whine on about things that someone else should have done I will wring their bloody necks. What happened to the concept of personal responsibility? What happened to the idea of going to the authorities and making a comment, suggestion or complaint rather than sit back and weep after the event?
If you see the doors of the CFA open then take the opportunity to ask questions, better still ask them how you might be able to help in the event of a major bushfire.
For the lazy buggers here is some information for you. Free. You don't even have to get off your backside.
There are three primary things you must have in mind. Preparing your property and your house according to Fire Authority recommendations and a couple of action plans. I have one primary plan called 'Window Shopping' which entails me heading off into Ballarat for the day and a secondary plan called 'Go For A Swim In The Dam'. I also have my own 1030 plan. 10 Minutes to cover 30 Kilometres,
When I put on my Marketing Guru Hat I come up with another 'bright spark' idea for a
People love nothing better than a bargain or a party. Your entire town could have a plan when a bushfire might just upset your day. It might just be a good idea if the whole town got together in one safe spot, clear of the danger, which will give the CFA a clearer run around the fire area unhampered by meandering humans.
Bring the dog, bring the cat, the horse, the goat, for heavens sake you could even bring the children.
No need to lay in food for the duration ready-meals and take-away food would be readily available, those who were thirsty could drink, local charities could set up Clothing Stalls in case you arrived clad only in a negligee.
Our small businesses could offer specials for the day. Torches, Fire-blankets, Extinguishers, BBQ supplies, Marshmallows, Petrol and Matches.
The only thing you need to take from home would be your valuables, irreplaceable family stuff and your wallet. Which brings to mind the fact that the local Constabulary would need to boost it's numbers for a few of them to patrol the outskirts of town for stragglers, sightseers, strangers and stealers.
How long since you just wandered around town and chatted with people? A Fire Sale Day would be your ideal opportunity.
And that brings me back to where I started. You can run from a fire but it is almost impossible to hide from it. So come out from behind your lace curtains, leave the animals free to escape from the fire if need be ( they're not as stupid as us.) Encourage your neighbour to come with you, bring your iPod, bring your Iphone and bring your iBackside.

meu aunty e a cumquot BUTCH

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


In this story I would like to present my interpretation of how I see things going with a Government that speaks with forked tongues.

In a discussion with another party the subject rose of what possible directions the social welfare sector might take over the next twenty-five years. Despite the fact that my bodily person will not be around I can assure you that my spiritual one will, most likely be taking vengeance on all those that pissed me off from the day I was born.

One of the problems I see with our society is our elected officials who make ridiculous claims about representing us in Parliament, and then toe the party line despite what their constituents have asked them to do.

Often they use the catch-cry of ‘in the public interest’, which is an antithetical statement. How can things being kept secret be in our best interest? Or as Sir Humphrey would put it ‘better not to know’.

What is it better not to know when it comes to the welfare sector? That there is a wall of protection against high-level paedophiles going all the way to the top levels of Government? That even our Church and Judiciary include the occasional little kiddy-fiddler? That welfare is going to be completely privatised? That adolescence is something we must not let take its own course? Those who do well rise to the top, those that survive become customer service officers at fast food outlets, those that fail end in jail?

Countless millions of taxpayers dollars are spent covering things up or avoiding them being available under the Freedom of Information Act. The amount of black ink expended whilst expunging must be absolutely critical to the survival of the felt pen industry.

Often wondered why folio numbering is done in pencil? One of the first rules of government is to make sure that your butt is covered, if its not then ensure that steps are taken to have some iron underpants fitted or, like memories, evidence is conveniently forgotten or accidentally shredded.

How much of our taxpayers money must be wasted propping up the company fortunes of friends and relatives so they can make profits? I believe they are called Tax Incentives, Foreign Investment Regulations, Industry Policy or Research and Development Grants.

The idea behind this is to entice or to keep business in Australia for the purpose of employment. This provides foreign owned companies with the great excuse of using unemployment as a good reason to gain benefits from the taxpayer’s wallet. I do not believe that they are so altruistic as to do it for Australia.

Large corporations have one aim and that is to make profits for their shareholders many of whom are members of the government and its servants. Remember Nick Greiner? One of the private expressway companies took Nick onto the Board after his stint as Premier and with him went the newly retired Head of the Main Roads Department. Is this jobs for the boys? Recently of course Nick used his political experience to stab Coles in the back and set up his own Internet Retailing Company more than likely using the expertise, contacts and knowledge he gained from Coles-Myer. And look at what eventually happened to Coles.

Bobby Hawke got a short stint with Kerry Packer until it was realised that he was a hopeless International Reporter, but not until after several lovely trips overseas. What arrangements are being made by Politicians and Heads of Departments at both State and Federal level for their retirement benefits at the cost of the public purse .

The 2001 Re-enactment of Federal Parliament in Melbourne cost us $4 million for 40 minutes of parliament in which nothing was discussed, 60 minutes of lunch and 120 minutes of Aussie Rules. I hope they enjoyed themselves. Federation, the celebration of a nation, seemed to revolve around activities to which only politicians, government officials and their staff, families and friends were eligible for an invitation.

They can afford to indulge themselves but cannot afford to truly represent their Constituents. They can tell President Shrub all about Australia and its political direction but cannot tell Mable Sopworthy of Mount Pleasant even the time of day.

They paint us as fools, ignoring at their peril the end result of such arrogance. The welfare sector is comprised of well meaning, honest, hard working citizens and if they don’t take them into their confidence we may as well follow all the other businesses and move offshore too.

We have one consolation. That in 30 years time some government files will be opened and we may all learn the truth. By then will they use the present popular excuse about it not happening on their watch?

Sunday, January 8, 2017


The limited human mind is what defined freedom in democracy and decided what is good and what is bad in it according to what its desires and lusts imposed. This may mean that freedom in democracy becomes limited at times and broadens at others, depending on what the decision makers feel is beneficial at the time.

The result is that the nations who practice such systems become experimental laboratories and are in a state constant flux regarding what is allowed and what is not. In Islam on the other hand, freedom is clearly defined and its limits and boundaries have been set by Allah alone, who is the infallible Creator of all mankind. His qualities are perfect and beyond defect, weakness or incapability. He is all-knowing of the condition of His creation and knows best what their requirements are and what suits them.

Thus, freedom in Islam has a distinct feature, which is stability - what was permissible in Islam fourteen hundred years ago remains so until the Day of Resurrection.
Qatar Times - Courtesy

In essence this extract from an Islamic Scholar describes how Democracy keeps changing to meet peoples needs whilst the followers of Islam must stay within the rules as laid down by Allah until the end of the world.
The hypocrisy of it all is that television and the internet, aeroplanes, mobile phones and explosive devices were not a creation of Allah so why Jihadists use them?
Are they not defying the laws of ‘Allah’?
Thank (insert your own deity here) for Democracy.



Hundreds of thousands of Africans are fueling poverty and inhumane conditions primarily due to many African nations being run by politi...