Almost every country property I know has a spare bathtub floating around the yard. For kids that don’t like to bathe it’s an ideal spot for it to be as they do tend to splash water everywhere.. But is the bathtub being used?
If you like worms then why not turn it into a Worm Farm. Here are the basic things you need and you can Google whatever else you need to know.
Lay 10cm of gravel or stones on the bottom of the tub while at the same time fitting a Colander over the plughole to keep the drain hole clear. Cover this with a small layer of mesh to ensure water is roughly filtered. Add a layer of wet coir and straw. Add worms and then cover with aged horse manure. Regularly add green materials (semi-composted greens, horse, sheep, and rabbit poo. Here’s a chance to use Mum’s blender and churn it all up into a gloopy mess like your cereal dish at breakfast time and you’ll find that the worms really like it slushy.
When the tub is full, remove worms, clean out to the gravel of garden loving worm castings (poo) and start again. Keep moist but not wet.
If you notice lots of other creepy crawlies muscling in on the act then dust with lime or supervise ducks to clean up the surface.
Ants? Smear Vaseline around edges and legs. The baths legs - not yours. Keep covered with shade cloth or similar porous but dark materials (e.g Hessian) Do not feed with acids (tomato, onion, etc)
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