Duty, Levy, Toll, Tariff, Excise, Charge, Fine and Rates are all the variations used to circumvent the use of the word Tax. The only upfront use of it is when it is combined with Goods, Services, Income and Payroll. I’m not sure what they call the motza derived from the dozens of forms of legal gambling that they pretend to rail against.
I believe that it is time that all levels of government fully disclose before every election how they intend to raise government funds, in what amounts and where they intend to spend it and how many people they will need to spend it. No longer should we have to put up with the smoke and mirrors of what they will spend over the next four years. Like the banks it screens the real income and expenditures from scrutiny.
Each year they announce a four-year spending plan which is the same money they announced three years ago. Four years is also the distance between elections which gives them the chance to announce another expense over four years which will never be spent because it doesn’t exist, it was called something else the year before.
The Stimulus Package was the same. A Billion Dollars promised by the Federal Government to build Public Facilities just happened to be the same Billion Dollars that the State Governments promise to build Public Facilities and the same Billion Dollars that the Local Councils claimed they were going to spend on Public Facilities. Nobody knows whose money they are spending and that’s just how they like it.
To put in a Carbon Tax as an excuse for us to cut the country's carbon emissions while at the same time scrap subsidies which allow ordinary people to cut their own carbon emissions is just another way we are being hood-winked out of our money by rapacious politicians and public servants bent on moving public money into corpoarte supporters pockets.
It's about time we got off our fat behinds, me included, and started to take back control of our own country. Now where did I put that bloody speed camera ticket?
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