It’s time to panic everyone. Start digging bomb shelters or placing concrete lids over your dams. The end of the world as Linton knows it is about to end. So that’s what they are trying to tell us. Who are they? ‘WESTERN PLAINS COMMUNITY GUARDIANS’ that’s who. P.O Box 55 - Skipton. No address and no phone number. Yes, just when you thought National Socialism was dead, the Greens had discovered sanity and the Progress Association was no longer a threat to the town we have the incarnation of yet another ‘We’re better than you’ collection of nutters.
Late last year they sent out a circular to all properties that read like a Council Health Warning. In it, they claim, is information about how we are all going to fall down sick and possibly go mad. Aye!! It’s the dreaded Windmill Monsters coming to get us. There may be some perverse truth in what a few paragraphs say but in the main the pamphlet could not even be described as a bunch of cobblers.
The bigger the wind turbine the bigger the effect on your health, this would suggest we toss out all house fans and employ someone to blow on us. It’s a bit of a relief to know that only 30% of your family is going to fall sick, that’s better than death which is a 100% certainty. They claim that the Victorian Department of Health will not give them any details of who is sick already. The government is actually right for once. Nobody has any mandate to pry into the private life of patients in the public health system.
They claim that so many people are already sick that Origin Energy is attempting to sell Stockyard Hill to the Chinese. As if that would make any difference? The Chinese don’t have to pay into Medicare? So! Why should they? Taking the hill back to China, along with all the sick people will be a pretty big job but at least they’ll be able to blow themselves to Beijing.
Towards the end of the list of claims this nut factory, probably with only three members, tells us the effects of the wind industry has a global effect which has been documented for decades. Turbines have not been with us for decades but the wind industry, created by the rotation of the earth, has a lot to answer for. Maybe this trio should just leave the planet on the same alien ships they arrived on.
Your health can be effected by these wind turbines even if they are ten kilometres away. Whose pulling what you guys? Ten kilometres over hills and dales. Some small strategic atomic explosions don’t even go that far. These ‘guardians’ did not mention the dizzying effect on birds that cling for their life on the blades.
They conclude by saying we should not accept this situation in your community. ‘Learn more and protect your future.’
What we can do is either learn more about this idiotic group and the effect they have on the community. The Astonisher believes that this factual information is about as genuine and plausible as mobile phones blowing up service stations, Witches are made of wood because they float on water or people believing some of the shit they read here.
Cher Noble
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