I think it was Karl Marx that said ‘Democracy does not work’, and even back a hundred years he was right. Western Democracy as we know it in Australia is as removed from the real thing as a Peoples Republic has anything to do with people. What we have in this country is nothing like democracy as it should be. As citizens:-
Do we choose our Prime Minister?
Do we frame sensible and reasonable laws?
Do we adjudicate political disputes?
Do we our set representatives pay or conditions?
Do we choose to go to war?
Can we sue the government?
Do we choose how our taxes are spent?
What is the definition of Democracy? Each sovereign state sees democracy a different way but true Democracy is ‘People Power’ it is not rule by a Dear Leader or an Ayatollah or a King.
The only way we can do anything to effect the way the country is governed is by real People Power. We don’t have to sit back and wait to be screwed, it just needs us all to act together in concert to demand the things that we believe benefit the entire community not just loudly squealing special interest groups like bloody Vegans and Non-smokers..
People Power is banding together to save the Yellow Bottomed Foot Wobbler or stopping the privatised manufacturing of our water supplies or the spurious poisoning our children with Flouride. People Power is the Franklin Dam, stopping the sale of the Snowy Mountains Scheme, and People Power is Buying Australian products.
A bank would soon change its tune if we all just walked in and closed our account. The Big Four would not last five days without us so why do we just lay still and let them screw us.
How long does it take, in these days of electronic banking, to transfer your account to another bank of your choosing. One bank is much the same as the other these days, they have a hundred ways to part you from your cash. However the thought that there might be run on them if they do wrong would certainly make them think twice. Of course those of us with mortgages at that bank would have to consider our options carefully but you can certainly threaten. There are lots of other loan sharks to choose from.
A breakdown in the banking computer system reaps millions for the banks in additional earnings on your money. Did you receive compensation last time you were wrongly stuffed by a bank?
Well I would suggest, if I were to ever have the power, that all political parties would be banned. You could have organizations of course, and parties……plenty of parties….. but no elected official should ever be in a position that they would have to listen to anyone other than the people who elected them. No party bosses or whips, no hacks and no branch stacking.
If you put both hands in the air at the same time you are either being robbed or voting in a political pre-selection ballot. Whichever they be they both be the same.
I am not one to make predictions. Not accurate ones anyway. But I will predict that by 2025 we will still be led by similar talentless incompetants that we have today. We will still not realize that it is our money coming back from China and buying out our economy.
Our children will all need to be conversant in Chinese to understand instructions from their employers.
The only loyalty Company Directors have is to each other. Patriotism amongst Chief Executive Officers is only to those who pay the biggest salary.
By 2025 the rich will still be getting richer, we will all be living in houses the size of Buckingham Palace and only small, local newspapers will still be in the journalism business.
By 2050 the Market Economy will be replaced by the rule of the Peoples Congress in Bejing and newspapers will carry headlines such as
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