Monday, November 18, 2013



Before this story starts lets first identify who is going to be the Supremo of this operation to rid the country of non-whites. Mr. Rabbit referred to El Supremo as a Three-star General. That’s interesting. Does he know that Australia has no YYY officers, but Indonesia does. Maybe instead of an Australian Field Marshall, which we don’t have, we will be guided by Indonesian YYY General Hoho Yodiyoyo the hero of Timor perhaps. Thank heavens the Governor-General is the Commander of our Military Forces.
We are being invaded by the yellow hoard, the red hoard and the black hoard. In the last ten years at least 0.000001% of our population are illegal arrivals including 457 visa over-stayers and itinerant backpackers that don’t want to go home. Is that reason to scream National Emergency? The point has come where hysteria has overtaken logic and reason, where xenophobia and nationalism, the ideals that most thinking Australians abhor, threatens to strangle us in our beds and steal our kittens.
Maybe we should be reminded that it is us, the Western World, that is invading these countries and destabilising their region and creating the very rod with which we now beat ourselves.
Not long ago we all believed that Pauline Hanson was an uneducated right wing nationalist bigot, today many Australians are beginning to look and act just like her. Yesterdays political terrorist today’s political hero? As Great Leader Howard said in his famous speech. “We will decide who comes to this country and under what conditions, we will let America decide who we attack and under what conditions and we will send our troops all the way with L.B.J ?”
Lets get serious. Are we determined to destroy the existing good relations with our neighbours? Can we sustain Papua for the next half-century with Australian Tax money? Are we prepared to waste our money in Papua given their endemic crime, tribal wars and corruption problems, not even mentioning the fact that the Papuan Opposition Parties want squash the whole idea? Liberals put the cost of their policy at $10 million but in the last decade we have spent $3 Billion on the problem, is that a realistic estimate.
Labour has signed agreements with Port Moresby to take the boat people. Now that the Liberals are in will they be willing to maintain that back-rubbing agreement? There are a lot of questions still to be answered that neither party has even thought about yet. A billion dollars went up in flames on Manus Island and for another billion dollars they’re rebuilding it. May not that be better spent on housing for the aged at home?
Port Moresby via Thursday Island is much closer then West Timor. If I was an advisor to people smugglers I would be suggesting they move to free and open Port Moresby and re-ship the refugees to Australia. Papua won’t mind, once they have the money in their pockets who is going to care?
The itinerary from SMUGGLETRAVEL might look something like: - Fly to Malaya - short boat trip to one of 7,000 Indonesian Islands - bus across Indonesia to West Timor - leaky boat into Australian waters - sink the boat - Australia rescues and transport free of charge to Christmas Island - free trip to Port Moresby - short trip to Thursday Island - BBQ lunch - and afternoon trip to Cape York - and welcome to Australia, mind the step up. There is an alternative too. The refugees could move across Indonesia to West Papua and then walk across the border. No need for boats and no need for people smugglers. The one drawback is running the gauntlet of warring tribes of head-hunters in the ungovernable area between East and West Papua.
Can we tow vessels back into Indonesian waters without a diplomatic incident? Laws of the sea don’t apply to us unless you’re an English speaking sailor on a sinking yacht near Antarctica. Can we expect Indonesia to respect our Territorial Waters if we ignore theirs. Fishing boats for example? This should have been called ‘Operation Sovereign Attack’ for that is what it is. A cold war is about to kick off with our neighbours and we have started it.
How can Mr. Rabbit of the Liberals say that he was advised by retired military experts that this was the way to go when only ten years ago Mr. Howard of the Liberals stated that retired military experts were out of touch with present day trends and should not be giving advice. You can’t have it both ways.
We predict that the new trend for people smugglers will be, on sighting an Australian vessel, begin the process of sinking their boat with a rescue boat exclusively for them standing by, and to leave the refugees to their fate. It’s already being done and it will continue unabated. As the war on drugs has failed due to us not addressing the root cause, so the refugee ‘crisis’ will fail unless we help stabilise the countries they are coming from.
Finally we going to eventually need these illegal entrants anyway. The promise to create 2 million jobs by the new Liberal Government (for US readers read ‘;Republicans’) when the unemployment figure is only 635,000 . To meet their target we will need an increase of at least 250,000 migrants a year. It doesn’t make sense to us but apparently made sense to enough of the electorate to replace the incumbent morons with new cretins.

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