Sunday, January 6, 2013


What is anti-social behaviour?

Anti-social behaviour is any activity that impacts on other people in a negative way. Selfish and unacceptable activities can blight the quality of community life and the police are committed to tackling them.
Examples of anti-social behaviour include:- nuisance neighbours in particular the ones that knock on the door just as you are about to have a poo, rowdy and nuisance behaviour which is the reason why the pub has developed an Outer Space off the street, yobbish behaviour and intimidating groups taking over public spaces like the local footy team, vandalism, graffiti and fly-posting beyond just pulling their wings off, people dealing and buying drugs on the street so be warned not to buy alcohol or caffeinated drinks from shady characters, people dumping rubbish and abandoning cars and all the more reason why Golden Pains should have a hard rubbish clean-up period, begging and anti-social drinking especially begging for more drink, plus the misuse of fireworks and beyond lighting farts this is difficult to achieve in Linton. Most of our local fireworks occur between husbands and wives.
The causes of anti-social behaviour are many and varied but include:- poor parental discipline and supervision, family conflict (between parents or between parents and children), family history of problem behaviour, community disorganization and neglect (blame the Progress Association) , the availability of drugs and alcohol so David and Red Bull watch out and finally a lack of neighbourhood attachment which means more people need to socialise at the hotel.
Note: The misspelling of the word Criminals in this case was used deliberately to attract our Bogan readers 

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