of thousands of Africans are fueling poverty and inhumane conditions
primarily due to many African nations being run by politicians and
businessmen who rape their populations financially at every chance.
don't help either, that dollar a day we spend supporting some African
baby is driving the unscrupulous to open Orphanages and hire in
children from poor families to populate them. 100 Kids $100 a day,
that's a small fortune to African child abusers.
we have the western world stirring the pot by providing the means by
which these people can kill each other, primarily from Russia and
China. The Kalishnikov has always been a terrorists favourite weapon.
world supports the establishment of a country like South Sudan and
then sits back and watches two battling Dictators encourage rape,
murder and pillage of people with the wrong surname or tribal ties,
genocide has become a natural phenomena. How many lives were lost in
the fight to establish the country to then see how many of each
others lives they can take afterwards.
time we spend money in Africa most of it never arrives. If you want
to donate then do it directly to the affected people and not
so-called charities.