IN A HURRY - Would an unthinking person expect to believe that
what they saw was what should have been seen.
the best deal around – Oh how many times have I bought something
off the cuff to find the same product 20% cheaper at the next store.
Now I go for three quotes/prices every time. Don't be swayed by
rewards as nothing these days is free and certainly avoid entering
spurious competitions on shop counters.
a person of advanced age and weakened mental capacity be able to
differentiate one from the other. As
a decrepit myself sometimes you have to look for the finer details on
labels (yr/model/etc) instead of just believing both products look
the same.
INFANT - Would
a child of tender years understand the image or the process.
it simple even for a child to recognise what is happening in easy to
understand terms, in other words avoid legal documents that seem not
to be in everyday language.
PERSON - Would
a normal citizen expect to receive what was promised.
Extended Warranty is not worth paying for. 12 Months is standard but
even after a few years should a product, like a brick, break down in
five years you may still have legal rights to compensation in cash or
kind. 'That the product did not live up to realistic expectations'.
if you Nuke every meal in the house of 12 months you might expect the
microwave to break down from exhaustion but if its is 1-2 times a
week you should expect it to last past 5 years.
– I buy my microwaves at physical
auctions for about $20 a go and run them into the ground.
It's a far cheaper option and you have a chance to see it before you
buy. Having said that avoid on-line auctions unless you check them
out. Some, maybe even eBay, might keep telling you that you've been
outbid until you reach almost the retail price – then add postage,
Sucker !!!
always request what they are selling by email as confirmation of who
they are and what they are selling before I proceed.
If they can't provide you with what is really a 'Letter of
Authenticity' with which you might be able to take legal action
against them tell them to piss off until they do.
– If you are ever in doubt contact ASIC or your State Consumer
Affairs or even better CHOICE Magazine.