In a sense this is why the bureaucracy get away with so much. If there were to be a Royal Commission into every government entity we would have a revolution on our hands within months.
Winston Churchill once said that 'never has so much been done by so few' and, in a different context he was right.
Governments can never be seen to make mistakes, they fear retribution from the people. How many times have we been told that it is better not to know, that keeping secrets is important to the security of the nation.
Well they are wrong. As children we are constantly told not to lie, what the consequences of lying could be, that lying is a sin, and so on and so on.
How can we be such hypocrites when lying becomes the norm, where Teachers lie to our children by feeding them all the rubbish our governments want them to learn. They bullshit about democracy and the rule of law yet democracy in this country means what is good for the rich and the rule of law changes depending on who you are.
A person robs a service station of $3000 he could spend years in prison, an executive can steel $3 million and all that happens is he loses his job.
A footballer might bite another player and can't play the game for a few weeks, if you or I did that to someone we would be up on serious assault charges. What is the difference with biffo on the sporting field and biffo between two business moguls.
Where the crowd stands and either cheers or jeers while the businessmen suffer extraordinary media exposure and are condemned for their behavior.
What I am trying to say here is that despite the fact we are all supposedly equal in the eyes of the law, it is the very lawmakers who abuse the law and get away with it with impunity.
Golden Plains Shire is no different. It suffers from the same bureaucratic inequality, where to challenge them means they close ranks and will tell blatant lies even to other government authorities to make themselves look faultless.
In my case I believe it borders on corruption.
I have tried by several different means to find justice, I believe their is direct collusion between council, it;s employees and its contractors to feather their own nests at the expense of we ratepayers.
Every excuse to adopt a new regulation means the possibility of extra staffing. In government circles the more staff you have the bigger your salary package. So we possibly have several executives in council receiving 6 figure salaries for doing virtually nothing.
The bigger the salary the more sway you have, the more power you have to direct others to break the laws that don't suit.
Where an old boy network still tells our elected officials what to do and our elected officials go along with all this corruption because they don't want to make waves.
Our dilemma is that we are too comfortable with the ways things are and do not want to see what is possible, we don't want to rock the boat, stir the shit up from the bottom of the barrel or throw a spanner in the works. We are happy to work and play blinkered by our desire to just enjoy a happy life.
To come back to where I started and perhaps say it in another way.