Friday, August 25, 2017


There are at least two hundred ex-servicemen wondering the street homeless while charities try to pick up the tab for what Veterans Affairs are failing to provide. At the same time 2,000 asylum seekers are filling hotel and motel rooms around the country at taxpayers expense. Fight for your country and get fuck all, flee your country and we’ll look after you. Little wonder we are seeing more and more advertisements failing to con young people into joining the military, uniforms are about as popular as a busted fly.

Universities are failing to attract the best and brightest except for those who have the money to bribe their way through the course. Our higher education system at every level is becoming totally dependent on foreign students with plenty of cash to the detriment of our intelligent young people who end up selling technology rather than researching it.

On the matter of homelessness, what about the 15,000 kids sleeping on our streets every night, or the abused women escaping domestic violence hunkering down in over-crowded refuges except those with boys over the age of twelve who are excluded from womens refuges.

Why are we not spending money on housing our own citizens so that they can contribute positively to the economy instead of being a drain on our resources through charities and social security.

If you are a young, educated, crime-free, drug-free but underpaid worker you cannot get assistance to be housed but be an ice-addled mother with seven kids by five fathers we bend over backwards to give them all the basic necessities of life. Is there not something wrong with this scenario?

Saturday, August 12, 2017


The Congo (Belgium), Somalia (Italy), Sudan (Egypt auspiced by Britain), Egypt (France and Britain) Libya (Italy), Iraq and Burma (Great Britain), Syria (France), Yemen (Great Britain), Burundi and Rwanda (Germany) and Columbia (Spain) just to name a few, and with the exception of Afghanistan (The Graveyard of Empires), formerly successfully occupied by the great colonial powers as shown in brackets. During those occupations the colonial powers managed to manipulate certain tribes, social groups or religions to become the dominant culture and the controlling interest of the nations.

Now look at each of these countries today. Maybe there is an argument for the re-colonization of some of these countries to bring back peace and stability. The problem is the United States being so totally opposed to Imperialism (despite American Samoa, Guam, Haiti, The Mariana’s, Puerto Rico, The Marshall and Virgin Islands and at least half a dozen other countries all being Protectorates (nee Colony) of America, the Occupations of Japan, Germany and the Philippines, Greenland and Iceland, South Korea and Grenada, the genocide of Diego Garcia and of course after losing to Fidel the anomaly of Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

America, the great Satan which we call The United States of Hypocrisy, has never been in favour of colonialism, it’s main strategy has not been peace, trade and plunder as with France, Spain, Germany and many other European powers who are more used to rape and pillage but the occupation of territory by force. If you don’t do as we say we’ll just bomb the shit out of you.

Maybe, the dead body count is important, we might need to bring back colonialism in its original form and just occupy as the British did with Australia. With the exception of Belgium, who just went in to rape and pillage, the British, French, Germans and Dutch, Spanish and Portuguese actually establish a formal pillage of the country (rape was a no-no except for the Belgians) and as they ripped it off gave them a civil service in return.

Peace reigned in all the colonies while they were occupied, the natives could do little else but bow down and cower to their white masters and it is this reason why we suggest the a Recolonization Doctrine.

If some nations cannot look after themselves, make laws, prevent killing and terrorism, give equality to all their citizens including women and other genders then maybe those with more guns, bombs and financial clout should invade and occupy.

Just think of the wonderful advantages in a society where tribalism, nationalism, patriotism, racism, Christianity, discrimination, protectionism, poverty, stupidity, crime, drugs and private equity all flourish as they do in the United States of America. Save lives by killing off all those who disagree.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Extreme politicians scream it, those who have no interests other than the Voice or X Factor believe it and uneducated morons spread the word. Is there anybody alive who could possibly believe that 2% of people could take control of the other 98%, except for politicians this cannot happen, ever, in Australia.

The figures show it, even non-believers outnumber either Aboriginals who people say want all of their land back or Muslims who all want Sharia Law. It’s the greatest load of bullshit ever showered over Australians and/or its Citizens-to-be.


And what about our homes and businesses and our food? That, apparently is under threat from Chinese ownership. What you don’t here mentioned is that the UK owns 7.2% of all Australian land, the biggest foreign ownership. Then in descending order:-
USA 2%, Netherlands 0.8%, Singapore 0.5%, China 0.4% (supposedly taking us over) Philippines and Switzerland 0.3% each, for heavens sake even the Island Of Jersey holds 0.25%, and remember this is ALL Australia's land mass including its dependencies, Indonesia 0.2% and that arch enemy, the yellow peril only owns 0.18% and that’s mostly tourist stuff in Queensland.
Yes, we agree China is taking up too much over too much of our resources under the spurious government policy of ‘investment’ but as the late, great, truly demented Christian Blake-Peterson put it “It’s not like they can tow it all back to Japan”.

These figures may also be inaccurate to the point that some Australian companies, traitors to their country, headquarter themselves overseas for the purposes of avoiding tax. Not that we say he does but an example of this might be Singapore-based Brett Blundy Retail Capital (BBRC) so you can’t accurately trust this data in that sense. What we need is the Register of Ownership which our government seems strangely reluctant to bring into existence.

We don’t need foreign investment, that’s just money being thrown out the door, we need our own companies to step up to the plate, especially our financial institutions and start investing in our own country. If these other countries can see a profit investing in us then maybe we should be keeping more of that profit for ourselves.
We don’t need foreign investment, they can all piss off, and Australians who do not show allegiance to this country can piss off too.


Hundreds of thousands of Africans are fueling poverty and inhumane conditions primarily due to many African nations being run by politi...